PBHC Youth Parent Code of Conduct
Portage Boys Hoops Club
Youth Parent Code of Conduct
The primary objective of the PBHC Youth Basketball Program is to support and teach the children of our community the game of basketball in a positive and constructive manner. Beyond basic basketball skills, we hope to grow all players’ level of teamwork, sportsmanship and most importantly a love for the game. Equally important, we want parents to enjoy this experience with their child along with other family members and friends. Parents play a critical role in their child’s development, and the PBHC asks for their support by abiding to the Parents Code of Conduct.
Code of Conduct
I will attempt to relieve the pressure of competition, not increase it.
I will be supportive of the coach(es):
Expecting your child to follow the players code of conduct at all times
Bring / pick up your child from practice on-time
Promptly read/respond to communications from the coach / help when asked
Help enforce building rules / respect of property while at practice and events, and keep watch of siblings
Refraining from coaching your child from the stands
Address any concerns with the Parent liaison in a private setting, never on the day of a game, which will then be brought to the team coach
I will demonstrate good sportsmanship by applauding good play by our team as well as the opposing team, and accept the results of each game.
I will refrain from openly questioning a referee’s judgment, by instead setting a good example for the players, other parents, and fans.
I will refrain at all times from making negative or derogatory comments about players, coaches, officials or fans while at an event and or in a public place. Remember that you are also responsible for extended family members and friends. We also strongly suggest to avoid these types of conversations in front of the players.
I will refrain at all times from using email, Facebook or other social media to post concerns, issues, or negative/dissatisfactory comments.
I will properly report any issues or concerns, by first contacting the parent liaison. If the issue needs further attention, the parent liaison will contact the PBHC Youth Committee so that it is properly addressed.
I will refrain from any illegal behavior or conduct that endangers the physical health or well-being of others.
I will assist the PBHC in providing volunteer hours at tournaments, understanding that it is vital for the success of the PBHC to have strong volunteer support from its parents and understand this is a requirement of my child’s participation in the PBHC Youth Basketball Program. Failure to do so will result in the volunteer fee being paid.
I will properly care for my child’s uniform, in representation of the Portage community and the Portage Boys Hoops Club. Uniforms/equipment owned by the PBHC will be cleaned and returned at the designated time, understanding that failure to do so could result in a fee to replace the uniform.
I will assist the PBHC in its efforts of continuous improvement by completing a year end evaluation of the program and coaches.
I understand that failure to follow and abide by the Parent Code of Conduct could result in suspension of my participation as a parent from the Portage Boys Hoops Club Youth Basketball Program and events.
By signing the Parents Code of Conduct below, I hereby pledge to maintain a positive attitude and be responsible for my behavior and the expectations outlined above.